February 4, 2021

Time Analysis

This is a three page assignment with an APA cover page and APA reference page for a total of five pages. Add an introduction that states […]
February 4, 2021

A mission statement for Generation Z

Create a mission statement for generation Z based on a SWOT analysis you create. Make sure to include background and objectives for why you chose what […]
February 4, 2021

ted talk

Creativity is an important attitude that can impact an individual’s ability to think critically. After listening to the TED Talk by Ken Robinson, what do you […]
February 4, 2021


The Graduate (Nichols, 1967) General Instructions: For this week’s discussion, select a moment from The Graduate that utilizes cinematographic techniques in meaningful ways. Your goal is […]
February 4, 2021


The Patient Protection & Affordable Care ACT has been the health care law for the past ten years. The previous administration wanted to repeal and replace […]