January 21, 2020

Your Personal Growth in Philosophy Class

Apply autonomy (your personal growth/freedom from the beginning to the end of this course) to the three units: 1. Human Nature  https://quizlet.com/_7671y2?x=1jqt&i=9h53dhttps://quizlet.com/_7emo6r?x=1jqt&i=9h53d2. Metaphysics https://quizlet.com/_7nikpv?x=1jqt&i=9h53dhttps://quizlet.com/_7q0zh3?x=1jqt&i=9h53d3. Ethics https://quizlet.com/_7usmgl?x=1jqt&i=9h53d […]
January 21, 2020

Case write-up

It should have the following structure: 1. Business challenge (one short paragraph) 2. Analysis of the options under consideration: Pros and cons of each of the […]
January 21, 2020

personal statement

If admitted to the University of La Verne College of Law, how would you contribute to its Mission? Mission: The mission of La Verne Law is […]
January 21, 2020

Case Study wk4

Watch the video case study, Don’t Hesitate, Communicate: Effective Communication in the Office (31 minutes), on the Waggoner library website. What is the greatest challenge in […]
January 21, 2020


Assignment Directions Scenario: You are a provider in a Pediatric or family practice office, urgent care or an ER. When Mr. Smith brings his 4-year-old in […]