May 20, 2020


6-page paper discussing the importance of storytelling to both Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities and how stories can work to improve relationships among these groups. here i […]
May 20, 2020

Wuthering Heights

I need three body paragraphs with 5 quotes total analyzed and a conclusion. This is my intro Love engrossed almost the entirety of the characters in […]
May 20, 2020

Views on the Mexican-American War and America’s Conquest in the Southwest

Describe the main point(s) presented in each article.  In other words, according to each author, what factors contributed to the American takeover of Mexican territory?What were […]
May 20, 2020


As many of you know the covid19 virus does not discriminate.Rich,young,old,poor,white,black….all affected. There are countries like Spain and Italy that are having to choose who should […]
May 20, 2020

The early-American friction writers Washington Irving, Nathaniel Hawtorne, and Edgar Allan Poe contributed significantly to the American literary canon with their unique styles of writing and their varied literary themes and forms.

I will give you the instruction on pdf. There are two topics on the instruction, I choose the first topic. The first topic is about The […]
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