June 30, 2020

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Provide a history the Enlightenment (Rousseau and Voltaire) and the Enlightenments intellectual opponents (Johnson and Burke).  Cover important people, ideas and events.  Be specific.  Include the […]
June 30, 2020

Senior Legacy TED Talk

2020 Senior Legacy Project!Create a Ted TalkSummative 100 points Imagine that Superintendent Looney is hosting a county-wide graduation for the class of 2020 and you have […]
June 30, 2020

Review plan based on a classmate review of my essay

read the classmate feedback and suggestions. Choose one suggestion and filled up the prompt bellow. The purpose of the revision plan is to give us direction […]
June 30, 2020

accounting and budgeting

1. Pick up a company that committed financial accounting manipulation and fraud. There are many cases that goes back over the centuries as well as modern-day […]
June 30, 2020

Requiem for the American Dream Assignment

What did you think of the movie? What do you think of Noam Chomskys style of presentation in this film? How does it compare to other […]
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