June 23, 2020

Module 8

Please read Hayes Chapters 22-24  Ezra 1-10, Nehemiah 10, 13, Jonah, Ruth, Daniel 7-12 and watch the video on this website https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=VMeWaYIzfx4&feature=emb_logo; questions to answer are […]
June 23, 2020

World Christian class summary

Please follow the instructions, use the syllabus to write me a good summary for this religious course. Also, please make sure you only cite from the […]
June 23, 2020


Students will write a contextual theology for  Things Fall Apart (1959) by Chinua Achebe. It should be between 10-12 pages not including the bibliography. Do not […]
May 21, 2020

Biblical sources New Testament

Select one of the following New Testament Letters (1 Thessalonians, Galatians, Philippians, 1st or 2nd Timothy, Titus, Ephesians, Colossians) (3 Part Prompt be sure to answer […]
May 21, 2020

RE: Reader-Response Assignment

I have a 10 page Critical Book Review Essay needed by tuesday night. The book review is on the book,” the dynamics of faith” by paul […]