August 9, 2020

the benefits that Ecumenism brings to Australian society

You are to create a promotional campaign about the benefits that Ecumenism brings to Australiansociety.Your assessment must include: An understanding of what Ecumenism is and how […]
August 8, 2020

Skills and Competencies Paper

A number of factors contribute to the challenges face by women in the highest levels of politics and organizations, including gender stereotypes and misperceptions regarding womens […]
August 7, 2020

Personal Leadership Assignment

When considering the Shunammite women in II Kings 4:8-37, we find that this womans influence with her husband and within the marketplace, surpassed the gender roles […]
August 6, 2020


Please read and answer all the questions in each essay topic carefully. Each essay response should be about 2 pages long.  Each essay is worth 50 […]
July 16, 2020


Describe your background of apologetics as you begin this course. What have been your conceptions of apologetics (both positive and/or negative)? Have you previously studied apologetics? […]