November 17, 2020

Global Financial Market Video Analysis

Watch the Video and write a two page double-spaced synopsis on the content of the video.  Answer the following questions: -Identify one important concept, research finding, […]
November 17, 2020

issue of free public transportation

1. history of free public transit2. pros and cons of free transportation from ethical perspective3. pros and cons of free transportation for economy4.  by observing the […]
November 17, 2020

Whole foods Market

Please make a presentation(5 slides) along with notes (on what to speak) about “Whole Food Market”the presentation. it is 5- 6 minutes of presentation so it […]
November 17, 2020

Artist Statement

The final project will include a one paragraph artist statement explaining your inspiration for the painting. The statement must include and an artistic reference of at […]
November 17, 2020

Social Media Management

**UPPER-LEVEL** COLLEGE CLASS ON MEDIA MANAGEMENT – use/cite all the resources (why they are connected) with critical thinking and clear writing ***Define terms of social media […]