December 8, 2020

Statute Presentation

Choose any federal statute that is currently in the news. You will have to research that statute and at least two court cases pertaining to the […]
December 8, 2020

dance class

“Dance is a reflection of society” It has been viewed differently by the society according to the time, area, religion, and many social norms. Describe how […]
December 7, 2020

anaswer question on the video & listen to the video.  1) Adjust the volume on your speakers or headphones to a comfortable level.  You can use the ad at the […]
December 7, 2020


Answer ONE of the following questions.1) Why is authenticity a challenging concept in ethnomusicology? 2) Do headphones change the way we listen to sound? Discuss.3) Explore […]
December 7, 2020

Housing in the United States

Research and report on projections for the housing market for the next year. Be sure to include a discussion of evictions and foreclosures. Analyze and focus […]