July 13, 2020

American history

Compare and contrast the origins, strategies, and effectiveness of three major social movements in the period 1917-2010, including at least one from before 1963. (Option: one […]
July 13, 2020

Ancient Maya

Please watch the video and answer questions at the end of the video(also seen below) How does the control of the spatial layout of a settlement […]
July 13, 2020

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Write a substantial response (at least two typed pages) to the following question. Your response should be informed by the lectures, by the readings of the […]
July 13, 2020

Choose one composer born after 1800 and one piece of music that they wrote. Discuss aspects of the composers life that directly or indirectly affected their composition that you chose, including relationships, politics, travel, etc… as well as the mu

MLA Format in content and works cited Minimum Length: 2,000 Words Must use at least three sources that are not used in the class in addition […]
July 13, 2020


Please answer the following questions illustrating critical thinking skills. Use detail where appropriate. The attached files provide information in order to answer the questions in detail.Please […]