Business and Management

August 28, 2020

Any topic (writer’s choice)

A high level of concern for both sides achieving their own objectives propels a collaborative, problem-solving approach.  Negotiators frequently fail at integrative negotiation because they fail […]
August 28, 2020

Any topic (writer’s choice)

This week we examined the basic structure of competitive or distributive bargaining situations and some of the strategies and tactics used in distributive bargaining.  Distributive bargaining […]
August 28, 2020

Examine Trait, Skills, Behavioral, Situational, and Path-goal approaches/theories of leadership

This presentation should be 12 – 15 slides long in addition to a cover page and a reference page.  Use bullets on most slides but each […]
August 28, 2020

Any topic (writer’s choice)

People negotiate almost daily, sometimes for essential things like a new job, other times for relatively minor things, such as who will take out the trash. […]
August 28, 2020

the constance of change

After engaging with the readings, please write a short response that summarizes the questions/issues explored in the readings, and identify at least one key insight that […]
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