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Epidemiological Methods Exercise

Epidemiological Methods Exercise
Please from a peer review journals select and download one epidemiological study, attach it as PDF file, carefully read the study, and answer the following questions:

1. What was the general aim of the study?
2. What was the exposure of interest?
3. What was the primary outcome measure?
4. What was the original or the achieved hypothesis of the authors?
5. What type of study design did they employ?
6. Why do you think they chose that study type?
7. What advantages and disadvantages does the study type have?
8. What potential confounding factors can you identify?
9. Describe strengths and weaknesses of the followed study design?
10. What are the measurement used in this study?
Choose another design to implement the study, explain the justification for the selection and answer all the bellow questions for the new design

1. What will the general aim of the new study?
2. What is the exposure of interest?
3. What are the expected primary outcome measure?
4. What will be the original or the expected hypothesis of the authors?
5. What procedures for type of study design?
6. Why do you chose that study type?
7. What advantages and disadvantages does the study type have?
8. What potential confounding factors can you identify?
9. Describe strengths and weaknesses of the followed study design?
10. What are the measurement appropriate in this new study design?

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