research and elaborate the ruling of the decisions for each judges for the case Harris funeral homes vs. EEOC
November 9, 2020
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November 9, 2020
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Affective Computing Input

Researchers are experimenting with human emotions as a type of input. A development called affective computing uses input devices such as video cameras and skin sensors with software similar to speech recognition programs to allow a computer to read a users emotions.

Your task: Explain what an affective computing input system would look like for your favorite app or program. Tell which emotion, based on video or skin sensor or sound input, would create which action, for example, when my app senses that I am sleepy, based on my eyes looking heavier, start a counter to turn off the app after 15 minutes. Or when my app senses that I am nervous, based on my hands getting sweaty, launch a calming music app to play in the background.

Cover at least five (5) emotions. Some emotions you might consider include (but are not limited to) happiness, anger, sadness, frustration, fear, surprise, sleepiness, embarrassment, disappointment, pride, nervousness, curiosity, impatience, joy, and hunger.

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