Nutrition and Disease
October 22, 2020
The influence of Culture of Translation in Mass Media
October 22, 2020
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Artwork, Rue Transnoain, Daumier, 1834

1. Elements & Principles (composition)- Provide the name of the artist and process (painting, drawing, printmaking, sculpture, etc.) and medium (paint, stone, paper) used to execute the piece. In what manner has the work been composed utilizing elements and principles? Identify and list some of the more predominant features that help convey the artwork’s overall presentation and emotional quality.

2. Context- Research the background of the artwork and provide information that informs regarding context/history.

3. Subjective vs. Objective (viewpoints)- Humans are critical creatures. Whenever we first see an artwork, we immediately use our own personal experiences and existing knowledge (subjective) to form opinions regarding beauty, worth, and meaning. It is human nature. However, the subjective viewpoint is often biased and limited, often leading us to uninformed critical judgments. To form insightful, well-rounded opinions, we must investigate what is before our eyes by researching the artwork’s background. This research (objective) is used to expand our knowledge and help substantiate our personal opinions or correct them to deliver sound, critical analysis. As you study your chosen artwork, take into account your first impressions. How does learning about the context of the piece change your initial thoughts about it? 2 pts 

4. Post your analysis (at least 150 words) to the discussion board as a well-thought address with the intent to inform and educate your reader. 

5. Comment upon “two other contributions” by offering your own views, points, and insights. This means adding to the existing dialogue, not merely agreeing with others.

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