6145 W4 IW
October 9, 2020
Personal Declaration of Independence
October 9, 2020
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

For the following writing assignment, please respond to all parts of the following question. Please include a clear articulated an argument. Make references to passages but do not write a paper that consists of a string of quotations. No bibliography is necessary, but I do expect you to cite sources in the text. For example, if you excerpt a quotation from Rivoli on page 155. Please write (Rivoli 2014: 155) next to the quotation. Make sure you have strong evidence to back up your conclusions. Also make the paper well-organized. Be sure to adequately define and explain the positions that you take in your analysis.

1. Overall, Rivoli has an optimistic view of economic globalization.  Ehrenreich and Hochschild, on the other hand, have a much more pessimistic view, particularly as it relates to women and children in the developing world.  Write an essay in which you compare and contrast these disparate views.  Based on the evidence presented, who gets it right?

* I have included one of the books, you will have to find the other.

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