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MGT 434 DQ

1. Pre-employment testing can be an effective tool in the selection of qualified candidates. Testing can include, but not limited to the following areas: personality, talent assessment, job task proficiency and productivity, physical ability, drug testing, lie-detector analysis, background checks, cognitive assessment, emotional intelligence, credit checks, computer literacy, basic skills, and English proficiency. Select three types of pre-employment testing and discuss the purpose, effectiveness in the selection process, legal parameters for use of the testing, costs associated with administration of the testing, and recommendation for the use of the testing.

2. We have all worked with someone who did not seem to fit the role for which he or she was hired, or did not seem to fit in with the organization, or did not have the right skills for the job. How does this sort of thing happen in organizations? Is the organization at fault? If so, why? Provide an explanation for your response. Support your response with an APA cited references.

Each questions should have up to 100 words count and a reference

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