Essay Responses: This is your chance to let us know a little more about you and the factors that influenced your decision to pursue a Doctor of Physical Therapy degree. The essay prompts are: Describe a meaningful experience in your life. Reflect on how t

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September 8, 2020
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Essay Responses: This is your chance to let us know a little more about you and the factors that influenced your decision to pursue a Doctor of Physical Therapy degree. The essay prompts are: Describe a meaningful experience in your life. Reflect on how t

Essay Responses: This is your chance to let us know a little more about you and the factors that influenced your decision to pursue a Doctor of Physical Therapy degree. The essay prompts are:
Describe a meaningful experience in your life. Reflect on how that experience influenced your personal growth, such as your attitudes or perceptions.
Describe a specific experience with a patient during your duties as a volunteer or aide in a physical therapy practice setting that made a notable impression on you and affirmed your desire to pursue a career in this field.
Please describe why you feel the hybrid format of DPT education at USC would provide a successful environment for you to complete the rigorous DPT degree. Include any personal experiences, learning styles or individual preferences that will support your success in the hybrid program.

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