You are going complete two Lesson plan Templates, using Extra Credit: Wiggins – Lesson Plan (Attached to order), please, read the lesson plan attached so that you can write ONE Desired Results section, with details on the central focus, also, the central Focus can be use in both Lesson plan Templates. Copy the numbers
In the Established Goals Standard and in your own words to describe standard, and what you what learners to know and be able to do during your planned two days of teaching; ONE Assessments section, with a different Formative Assessment task for each day of instruction.TWO Learning Plans sections, each with the sequence of learning activities you will do with your learners. ( day 1 and day 2 )
Two Formative Assessment Tasks
Employ FA (Formative Assessment ) tasks
ALSO IN TEMPLATES I add the note how are you going to write. The most important part are central Focus, Mini-Lesson,Learning Activities & Work Time (Activities: Designing and creating a mobile) Share and Concluded/Modifications