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July 7, 2020
Any topic (writer’s choice)
July 7, 2020
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C++ class STL Queue

Design a class, ShoppingBasket.  Each ShoppingBasket contains a count of the number of items in each of three categories, produce, meats, others.  You will populate the counts of items in each category with the rand() function.  Produce with a range of 1 -10, meats with a range of 0 – 3 and other with a range of 1 – 30.

You will then use the Queue or Dequeue templates from the STL to generate a queue of 10 ShoppingBasket.  You then write a routine to “process” the queue.  Each item in the produce category will take 4 seconds to process.  Each item in the meat category will take 3 seconds to process.  Each item in the other category will take one second to process.  I suggest you include a method in ShoppingBasket to report out the total processing seconds for an instance of a ShoppingBasket based on the number of items in each category in that instance.  Your “processing” routine will keep track of the total processing time for the entire queue.  When complete, report out the total time in hours, minutes and seconds.

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