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Donald Trump

The United States President is often referred to as “The Most Powerful Person in the World.”  Current U.S. President Donald Trump has re-interpreted the powers of the Office of the Presidency and expanded the Faithful Execution Clause. For this assignment, you are required to research and challenge (or affirm) the powers of the Presidency.  You are required to research ANY two of the following assertions made by President Trump and determine (based on your research/findings) if the President is correct in his interpretation of his powers

1).  President Trump suggested he (his office) holds the power to “shut down all Mosques” in the United States until Muslims are properly vetted as safe and do not pose a danger to U.S. Citizens (see the First Amendment and 14th Amendment)

2).  President Trump suggested he (his office) holds Complete and Total Power to open/close U.S. States during the COVID – 19 Pandemic (see the 10th Amendment; Executive Orders Powers; Opening/Closing State Borders powers)

3).  President Trump asserted he (his office) has the power to force Congress to adjourn in order to fill his administration’s vacancies without Senate approval (see Appointments Clause; Vesting Clause; Separation of Powers)

4) President Trump asserted he has the absolute power to “Pardon” himself. (see 25th Amendment)

I encourage you to allow yourself to agree with President Trump if your research guides you in that direction. 

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