History Racial Ideology
May 8, 2020
movement, protest
May 8, 2020
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History Racail Ideology


Historians conclude that while Reconstruction ended slavery after the Civil War in 1865, it failed to challenge the ideologies of race that once defended slavery.  As a result, racism continued to inform policies in the decades following the Civil War.  In a 5-6 page essay (double-spaced; 11-12 pt font), explore the racial legacies of the Reconstruction era.  Give 3 separate, well-supported examples of racial legacies, or the way(s) in which racial formations significantly informed the development of American society between 1870-1940.  Use assigned readings and lecture to support your argument.   

Support your argument with specific ideas and examples drawn from lecture and primary and secondary source assigned readings.
You must use 5 sources MINIMUM. Of these sources, use at least
2 primary sources,
2 scholarly articles

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