Constructed Meaning And Perception

February 6, 2020
Test One
February 6, 2020
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Constructed Meaning And Perception

 In Chapter 3 on perception and communication, the book stated that there is no intrinsic meaning in phenomena but that humans actively construct meanings and attach values. In Chapter 4, the book argued that language is powerful and that values inherent in the words we use shape our perceptions and those of others. Do these two statements contradict one another? Craft your answer in relation to the notions of hate speech and loaded language. (Be sure to distinguish between these two notions in your answer and provide concrete examples to support your point). Provide an example of situation you encountered with hate speech or loaded language.  How did that make you feel?  Your paper should be 1-2 pages citing specific examples and providing detailed analysis incorporation reading and textbook material. If outside sources are used, proper citation of the source should be included. 

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