Assignment: Relationship Between Qualitative Analysis And Evidence-Based Practice

Write A 700- To 1,050-Word Paper Using Microsoft Word. Address The Following Questions:
January 9, 2020
January 9, 2020
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Assignment: Relationship Between Qualitative Analysis And Evidence-Based Practice

 SOCW 6301 Week 6

The attachment contains ALL of the requirements.

Evidence-based practice is integral to social work, as it often informs best practices. Competent social workers understand this connection in general and the ways it benefits clients in particular. For this Assignment, consider your informed opinion on the relationship between qualitative analysis and evidence-based practice.

Submit a 2-page paper that addresses the following:

Choose two qualitative research studies from this week’s resources and analyze the relationship between qualitative analysis and evidence-based practice.

Consider how the qualitative study contributes to social work practice and how this type of knowledge would fit into building evidence-based practice

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