Explain the Belief Cycle. How does the Belief Cycle involve itself in every facet of a Belief?

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Explain the Belief Cycle. How does the Belief Cycle involve itself in every facet of a Belief?

Answers should be at least one page, double spaced, in 12 point font, and should not only reflect your knowledge and understanding of the essay question, based on the lectures, discussions and readings, but also your own innate knowledge, common sense and imagination. 1. Explain the Belief Cycle. How does the Belief Cycle involve itself in every facet of a Belief? Why do we even need to express Belief in such terms; in other words, how does breaking a Belief down into these smaller parts help us to better understand the Belief, the societyand its culture? 2. Explain how belief systems play a role in typical foraging (hunter/gatherer)/horticultural type societies, where livelihoods bring the society in close contact with natural earth processes. From a structuralist/functionalist point of view, how do belief systems help support such a society? 3. Describe in as much detail as possible the five stages of ethnographic fieldwork. How and why is the written ethnography a key part of fieldwork? What are some special challenges the ethnographer may ecounter while doing fieldwork? How important is it to maintain an etic approach during and after fieldwork? 4. In working with kinship systems in cultural anthropology, please define the following terms: consanguineal; affinial; fictive; patrilineal descent; matrilineal descent; bilateral descent. In addition, what are three major aspects of an individual that are revealed in kinship terms? 5. Describe in as much detail as possible the four major theories that attempt to explain the incest taboo, a prohibition found amongst all peoples. What are your ideas on why there is an incest taboo in our society? And why in almost everysociety does it seem that the taboo is broken?

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