Examining health care service in the light of the concepts of effectiveness,efficiency and equity

examining a quantitative research paper
August 15, 2017
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August 15, 2017
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Examining health care service in the light of the concepts of effectiveness,efficiency and equity

Examining health care service in the light of the concepts of effectiveness,efficiency and equity a research project examining a health care service (for example in cardiology or surgical department in particular country for example in UAE) in the light of effectiveness ,efficiency and equity.The health service is defined as health -related service provided b an organization(e.g. health authority) or a department(e.g.oncology department)located within an organization in a specific country including the UAE. The Report should be organized in four sections: 1-Introduction ( this section should be brief and lay out what are you are going to do in the report. 2-Description of the healthcare service that you are evaluating (this section should give readers a brief description of the healthcare service of the country 3-Critical evaluation 9this should form a substantial part of the report) you are expected to : -provide a critical evaluation of the effectiveness,efficiency and equity of the healthcare service of the country (for example is it effective aheathcare in that organization or department ?if yes then why? and if no then why?) -provide a clear definition and measurement of these concepts. -gather data and evidence for your arguments and analyses -arrive at clear conclusions as to whether this service is effective ,efficient or equitable. -provide recommendations on how the service can be improved. 4-conclusion (that can be concluded from the main argument or findings of your critical evaluations? 5-Executive summary ( this provides a summary of your aims,arguments ,findings and recommendations)

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