Cultural Studies Course) Culture in Historical Perspective

culture and rhetoric
August 15, 2017
August 15, 2017
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Cultural Studies Course) Culture in Historical Perspective

Course Textbook: Brien, Susie and Szeman, Imre. Popular Culture: A User?s Guide: Second Edition. Toronto: Nelson, 2010 Using the concepts of discourse, representation or ideology (use at least 2), as well as any other related or relevant concepts or terms as found in the glossary of the textbook analyze one of the following: 1) The front page of a newspaper 2) A comparison of internet coverage from CNN, BBC and CBC of a single 3) International event 4) One episode of a TV show 5) The lyrics and music of a pop song ? here reference must be made to Adorno and Horkheimer?s notion of the culture industry, though you may disagree with their argument. 6) An evening news program In each instance the object you have chosen must be considered from as many different angles as are appropriate within the page range. If you are considering a visual medium, for example, then you will want to take into account not only the meaning of what is said or portrayed, but also how it is portrayed.

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