critical review of Polanyi’s text (The Great Transformation)

Critical Rhetorical Analysis
August 15, 2017
Critical reflection
August 15, 2017
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critical review of Polanyi’s text (The Great Transformation)

Develop own analysis of the text ? One of the goals is to move up your comprehension and analytic engagement with other people’s ideas to the point at which you are able to construct a critical interpretation ? 3 major questions: 1st: Who is writing this and to whom? . What discipline do they come from? . Within disciplines, there are sub-disciplines and different schools? . Disciplines so far we have seen: economics, philosophers, political scientists, anthropologists, sociologists (Weber is the father), neoclassic 2nd: what is the main argument/major claim that occurs in the article? If the argument is a good one, you should be able to put it into one sentence What kind of evidence is being used? What are the subclaims in place? What is the exact point at which the arguments come together? 3rd: try to identify the weak spots/blind spots/ambiguities/slippages/prejudices/logical errors Figure out what the author needs to put in to make the argument better

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