Write a relevant and insightful paper with 1500-3000 words and six to eight resources that explains the sociological perspectives

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Write a relevant and insightful paper with 1500-3000 words and six to eight resources that explains the sociological perspectives

Write a relevant and insightful paper with 1500-3000 words and six to eight resources that explains the sociological perspectives of C. Wright Mills, Karl Marx, and Peter Berger. Provide insight into each sociologists background. Describe each perspective. Compare and contrast each of the perspectives. Critically analyze the topic of power and control in America held by each sociologist. Apply each perspective to both historical and current issues and give evidence of the societal ramifications. This assignment consists of three parts during week four. Please review the attachments, Power and Politics Paper Guidelines and the Final Grading Rubric.Complete an outline of your paper, with a reference page that includes six-eight resources. Address each sociologists position on power, and control. Then complete a First Draft of the Power and Politics paper.

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