Teenage pregnancy: why it is on the rise

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Teenage pregnancy: why it is on the rise

Why teenage pregnancy is on the rise:

Teenage pregnancy is in the rise today whereby many teenagers are being engaged in unprotected sex. This has been caused by a number of reasons. First and foremost is peer pressure whereby teenagers feel the need to be at per with their friends. Therefore teenagers who would otherwise be termed as good and well behaved end up having sexual intercourse just to keep up with their peer and therefore they sometimes end up getting pregnant if they had unprotected sex. Another major cause is lack of education.

The school system is not giving adequate sex education to young teenagers about condoms, contraceptives and on other ways of having sex without getting pregnant teenagers. This is because it their firm belief that these teenagers are too young and that they are not mature enough to understand sex and sex education while in real sense these teenagers are actually well aware of it and are even engaging in sexual activities. Therefore due to lack of knowledge on use of condoms, contraceptives and on other ways of having sex without getting pregnant teenagers end up having unprotected sex and getting pregnant.

Teenage pregnancy is also in the rise due to the fact that parents too are not taking the responsibility of teaching their teenage children about sex as they believe that their children are still not mature enough. This misconception is common among parents and hence teenagers go in and ignorantly have sex and get pregnant in the process.

Teenagers also get pregnant due to teenage access to sexually explicit materials and pornographic materials. This results in teenagers realizing their sexuality very early in their life and wanting to experiment with it.One biter reality about teenage pregnancy is that the teen mothers are forced to drop out of school and thus the beginning of poverty in their lives. They drop out of school and are forced to work for minimum wages in order to take care of themselves and their children thus an increase in the number of families living on minimum wage.

Somewhat encouraging is the fact that there is a decline in these pregnancies since more and more teenagers are becoming enlightened about birth control methods. Also researchers have a feeling that there is a change in attitude towards the use of contraceptives and also more teenagers seem to become precautious as the government is reducing financing to teenage family planning services. Refocusing efforts from teen pregnancies to healthy teenage behavior has enlightened teenagers to take care of themselves and statistics show that education about healthy behavior draws the teenagers’ minds from impulsive acts to thinking about what is good for them.

But the authors seem to say that abstinence is the only way to curb teenage pregnancies yet it is obvious many teenagers are engaging in sex. Article should have openly talked reality; the kids are having sex and that we should be more proactive in making them aware that we there to judge and not to understand their feelings. It doesn’t talk much about birth control methods and also it has no alternatives for teenage mothers on finding out that they are pregnant. They should have talked about abortion and adoption as options for these girls can think of on realizing the biter truth. The authors have also failed to shade more light on government plans and funding for teenage pregnancy thus the feeling is that once pregnant then all is lost for the teen mother! The question is what about the teen fathers? Should they continue ruining lives of young girls?

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