Role of international business ethics in staff motivation and productivity

Financial Management Case Study
August 8, 2017
August 8, 2017
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Role of international business ethics in staff motivation and productivity

Role of international business ethics in staff motivation and productivity

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2.1 Substantially coursework master’s work is the subject of a comprehensive review of research on the selected theme, which includes the following stages of research: the formulation of the problem situation and justification of its relevance, the analysis of the available scientific views and approaches to the problem, the idea of ??the author’s hypothesis (ie, assumptions, requiring verification and validation) and the conceptual model of the study. Of considerable importance is the degree of scientific novelty of the completed research. Under the scientific novelty understood difference between the results obtained by the author of master’s thesis, to the known theoretical and methodological positions.
2.2 Since the course work is one of the stages of master’s studies, its theme can literally match the theme of the thesis.
2.3 Coursework master’s work should have the following structure:
– Introduction;
– The main part (consisting of sections, subsections);
– The conclusion;
– A list of sources used.
The introduction should contain the following prerequisites:
– A general description of the problem, which is devoted to the work; the degree of elaboration;
– Justification of the relevance of the chosen research topic;
– Formulation of research objectives and tasks which
necessary to achieve this goal;
– A subject of study;
– Structure of the work, which is due to put in work tasks.
The introduction should be brief – 3 pages – and clear.
The basic part consists of sections (normally not more than three), which
divided into subsections. The latter, in turn, can be divided into
items. It is not recommended to have items longer than three pages. None of the names of the section or subsection can not repeat the title of the topic throughout the course of master’s work.
In carrying out scientific research should examine undergraduate
existing regulations, bibliographic, statistical and other sources of research on the topic.
It is important to disclose the theme of work. It is recommended to organize materials, as well as the conclusions to draw them in the form of tables,
charts, diagrams, drawings, and if necessary and possible to illustrate the statistical data and analytical notes.
At the end of each section should draw conclusions.
Master student must conduct a thorough critical analysis of selected materials; deeply understand the statements of various authors on the subject in question, leading them in their work; express their opinion on the range of issues, citing reasons to justify it.
The material should set out a consistent and coherent throughout the work. All sections of the work should be linked to each other. Particular attention should be paid to the transition from one section to another, from question to question. Should not result in materials that are not directly related to the subject of the work and do not contribute to the goal of the study.
Citing various sources (monographs, periodicals materials, these statistical studies, etc.), the author
Work must make reference to the source.
Quoting the thoughts of others and without references is plagiarism.
If any payments are made by the author of the work, you need to write about it, specifying the source (s) of data.
All figures and tables should be numbered and contain the following information: name; unit of measure; the period for which the calculations are made; the data source. If the table or figure compiled by the authors, the following wording: “Source: compiled by the author” or “Source: compiled by the author on the basis of …”.
Finally, which can not be less than 3 pages should
summarize the results of research, clearly stating
the main findings of each area of ??work to which the author came.
Conclusions should be specific and not related to issues that go beyond what has been discussed in the main text. In conclusion, it is recommended to formulate the problem that could be solved on the basis of the work of the master’s thesis.
List of references is made either in accordance with the requirements of GOST 7.1 or by the Harvard citation system (see. Section 4). It includes all sources of information which are referenced in the text.
2.4 Subject coursework master’s work offered undergraduates, agreed with the supervisor and the academic director of the program no later than 15 December of the first academic year and approved by the meeting of the Scientific and Methodological Council MIEP. Changing the subject allowed in exceptional cases and in agreement with the supervisor and the academic director of the program and then approved by the meeting of the Scientific and Methodological Council MIEP.
2.5 Coursework master’s work is signed by undergraduates on the last page. In the same date stamped.


3.1 coursework transferred undergraduates to evaluate the supervisor not later than 1 October.
3.3 The work is estimated based on the head:
– Carry out their own investigation of undergraduates;
– The ability to navigate in the studied issues;
– Utilization in the current statistical and factual material;
– Creativity, the ability to offer the author’s solution.
3.4 As part of the master training, the following criteria
positive assessment of coursework:
“Excellent” (1.0-2.0)
– Clearly define the purpose and objectives of the study;
– Confirmed its relevance;
– Meaningful outlines the main issues of the topic;
– There are reasoned conclusions and recommendations reflect
the author’s position on this circle of problems;
– When writing a term paper used a wide range of sources of information (monographs, peer-reviewed periodicals, statistical publications);
– Powered coursework statistical material furnished in the form of tables and figures, accompanied by the author’s commentaries analytical;
– Proposed and substantiated the conceptual model of the subsequent investigation;
– Strictly observe the terms coursework;
– Fully met the requirements for registration of course work, including the design of tables, charts, diagrams, drawings, references, list of sources used.
“Good” (2.3-3.0)
In general requirements to work in an “excellent”, masters made, but there are a number of disadvantages:
– Analysis of the main questions of the topic is not deep enough, the content of the theme
disclosed incomplete conclusions are not sufficiently substantiated;
– Lacks a number of information sources available today;
– Violated the terms of coursework;
– In the course work are present malfunctioning, individual errors, including illustrative materials;
– Unsubstantiated conceptual model of master’s studies.
“Satisfactory” (3,3-4,0)
The main objective of the work achieved, however:
– Course work is a compilation of known positions, is descriptive; no opinion and thoughts of a student;
– Undergraduate enough versed in the problems of research topics;
– In the list of literature is dominated tutorials;
– Violated the requirements for registration of course work.
“Unsatisfactory” (5.0)
The aim of the work is not reached, the work submitted does not meet the requirements for content and design of the course work.


Coursework Master’s work shall be in accordance with existing requirements for qualifying works scientific content.

4.1 General requirements
The volume of term paper should be 30-50 thousand characters.
Course work should be typed on a computer on the same
side of a sheet of A4.
In the main text using the text alignment across the width of the page.
Structural elements of the work should go in a folder in the following order:
– Title page;
– Indicating the content page;
– The list of tables and figures;
– A list of abbreviations;
– Introduction;
– The main part (sections, subsections, paragraphs and subparagraphs);
– The conclusion;
– List of references;
– Application (if necessary).
The title page should be designed in accordance with the established model.
All pages of the course work must be numbered. The title page, contents, introduction, conclusion include unnumbered pages. The title page of the page number is not affixed. Page following the title page (content), are numbered “2”, etc. Page numbers are placed at the bottom of the page in the middle.
Each new section begins on a new page. Subsections start on a new page is not necessary.
Name of sections and subsections are printed single-spaced. The headings of sections and subsections are written with indentation without a point at the end. Emphasize and carry words in the title is not allowed.
The words “section” and “sub” Titles are not written. Sections and subsections in the text of the paper should be numbered in Arabic numerals. Number of sub-section consists of a chapter and its own number within this section. For example, the second subsection of the first section is numbered 1.2. Point after the title (section, paragraph, subsection) before their name is not assigned.
Structural elements: introduction, conclusion, a list of references ANNEX written in the middle of the line without a point at the end. Introduction and conclusion are not numbered.
Annexes are designated by capital letters of the alphabet, starting with A, with the exception of the letters I and O. After the word “Annex” followed by a letter indicating its sequence. If your document has a single application it referred to as “Appendix A”.
In the course work are acceptable color drawings and charts, as well as the color of the title page.
If in the course work used abbreviations, they must be specified in the list of abbreviations.

4.2 Registration of tables, diagrams, drawings, charts, listings, formulas
Listing. If the text is the transfer of something, follow the rules of punctuation:
If the digits preceded by a point, followed by a capital letter in a sentence, and in the end of the sentence as a dot.
1. …………………….
2. T …………………….
If the transfer is put parentheses after the number or letter after it is a capital letter at the end of a semicolon.
1) ………………………;
2) t ………………………. .
If the listing is preceded by a dash or sign bulleted text – followed by the capital letter at the end of a semicolon.
– With ……;
– T ……….
Formula. Formula should be separated from the text in a separate line. Above and below each formula must be left at least one free string.
The formula is located in the center of the line, its number – on the same line to the right, in parentheses.
After the formula should result in decoding symbols that occur in it if they had previously met in the text. Decoding is carried out in the same order in which elements occur in the formula.
References in the text to the serial numbers of the formulas given in parentheses. Example: “Equation (21) describes ….”
Table. For a better overview and comparison of performance in the course work tables are used.
Tables should be numbered. Numbering sequentially throughout the work.
Table rendered in applications have their own, separate numbered in the order in which they are referenced in the text of the work. Before the table number is placed in this case the designation of the application. For example, “Table B.3.”
Recommended placing table by one of the following: text immediately below, where it is referred to the first, the next page (not on) or in an application. In the application submitted voluminous tables longer than 2 pages. In the direct text of the work includes tables smaller volume.
It is advisable not to carry part of the table on the next page
dividing it into two pages. To avoid this, you can try to transfer part of the text that comes after the table in the text before the table, and the table itself at the same time to move to the next page. If this is not possible, then the transfer of the table on the next page, you need to write on the left above the table “of the table N», make one space and then place the second part of the table. In the continuation of the table should only give its number, name need not be repeated.
In the “continuation” of the table column header, you can either repeat or by numbering them in the first part of the table, in the second to give
Only numbered graph.
Count headers and rows are written with capital letters, subtitles, if they have no independent value, – with a lowercase. Count subtitles grammatically and rows should be agreed with headers.
Name of the table should be placed above the table to the left, without indention in one line with its number by a dash. After the rooms and at the end of the table name is not preceded by a point. Sign «?» do not put.
The table itself have, putting a header after a gap in one line.
Under the table, make reference to the source of the data contained in it, or as a basis for calculating the figures contained in the table.
Drawings. In addition to tables for presentation of evidence and the material used can be used Illustrations: charts, diagrams and graphs. All illustrations must be named pictures. The figures are arranged in directly after the paragraph in which they are mentioned for the first time, or on the next page. Figures should have a name and pass-through serial numbering.
The name of the pattern consists of the word “Figure”, his numbers, dashes, and the name, which is written with a capital without a point at the end. The name and number of the figure placed in contrast to the tables on the page, below the figure.
Under the picture makes reference to the source of the data contained therein.
After the table or figure doing a gap in one line and then continue to the text.

4.3 Registration of the list of sources used
List of literature and electronic data sources must be at least 30 items. He shall be in accordance with GOST 7.1 – 2003 “Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and rules “or in accordance with the Harvard citation style (

4.4 Methods of references to cited sources
By location relative to the main text of scientific work bibliographical references are:
1) inline, ie are an integral part of the main text;
2) the subscript, i.e. learned from the text at the bottom of the page;
3) accompanied by external, i.e. rendered for the text of the whole work or
When using the Harvard citation style used inline links.
When making a list of sources used in accordance with GOST 7.1 – 2003 is advisable to use subscripts links that are at the bottom of the page on which the citation is given. To do this, at the end of citations in the text is placed numeral indicating the serial number of quotes on this page. Bottom of page that separates the footnote from the text, put quotation number on this page and is fully described by the source of quotes: the author, the source name, place and year of publication, number and year of publication of the magazine or newspaper, the page numbers on which there is a citation.
Full description of the source is given only in the first footnote. If multiple references to the same source is placed on one page, the footnotes write “There” and the page number on which the reference is made.


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