Report for a construction organisation

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Report for a construction organisation

Your tasks entail preparing a report for a construction organisation that acts as the client for a number of large- sized construction projects. You are in charge of preparing a report for the client’s team to help them with making decisions regarding

Justify for the clients how documenting tacit knowledge can add value to their organisations’ business

procedures? Provide a list of suggestions for them in order to facilitate documenting tacit knowledge

on their organisation.

? Present a list of common construction project information management tools and describe each one

briefly. Describe which one would you suggest for the client’s projects.

? Justify using VDC methodology on their projects. Your arguments should cover areas below.

I. How VDC facilitates establishing a safer environment for their projects.

II. A list of different tools under the VDC and describe how they support delivery of their


III. How VDC can enhance the level of collaboration among different parties on their


? Compare the collaboration style in a fully-integrated BIM environment against the traditional

collaboration environment to convince client that adopting BIM on their projects is advantageous.

? Describe the concept of enterprise resource planning (ERP) for the client and explain how

implementing ERP can benefit their organisation in delivering all their projects. Present a list and

details of 3 available ERP tools for the client team.

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