If necessary, create a new project named Advanced36 Project and save it in the Cpp8 Chap13…

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If necessary, create a new project named Advanced36 Project and save it in the Cpp8 Chap13…

If necessary, create a new project named Advanced36 Project and save it in the Cpp8 Chap13 folder. Also create a new source file named Advanced36.cpp. Each salesperson at Rembrandt Auto-Mart is assigned an ID number that consists of five characters. The first three characters are numbers. The fourth character is a letter: either the letter N if the salesperson sells new cars or the letter U if the salesperson sells used cars. The fifth character is also a letter: either the letter F if the salesperson is a full-time employee or the letter P if the salesperson is a part-time employee. Create a program that allows the sales manager to enter the ID and the number of cars sold for as many salespeople as needed. Use a sentinel value to stop the program. When the sales manager has finished entering the data, the program should display the total number of cars sold by each of the following four categories of employees: full-time employees, part-time employees, employees selling new cars, and employees selling used cars. Save, run, and test the program

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