Horror Film

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Horror Film

.Please write a five (5) page paper, roughly 1875 words (1.5 spaced), exploring an issue or topic that falls under the scope of this class.

Consider these options:

1. Examine Carol Clover’s theories. See if they apply to recent cultural product. Can her ideas on horror be applied elsewhere? Do you think people have complicated cross-gender identifications with filmed entertainment today? Do such things serve any purpose? Do her ideas resonate or do you think it’s something entirely different?

2. Apply Toni Morrison’s theory of “American Africanism” to something. Where do you see this happening? Does it come up in a surprising way in different genres? Which movies we’ve screened could be interpreted through this lens?

3. Do a position paper. Pick one argument. Advance it. Provide multiple examples, exhaustive examples. Something about women in horror? Minorities in horror? Horror is ______. Such-and-such a film is actually about _______________. Take Clover to task.

These are just suggestions.
Formal requirements are:

-Title page (with all other relevant info so that there’s just the paper starting on the next page)

-page numbers (header, footer, just paginate!)

-12 pt. font only, something a person can read without going insane.

-1.5 spaced

-Chicago Style citations preferred. MLA IF YOU MUST.

-Works Cited/Bibliography

-Include any/all images however you see fit, in the body of the paper or at the end (marked correctly and clearly). If you add images to the body please write an appropriate amount to reach the equivalent of 5 pages.

Please respond to and analyze Ganja&Hess. Consider the readings, previously screened films, and our discussions when writing. 1.5 pages minimum. 1.5 spacing

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