biblical allusions

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August 8, 2017
Examine two research articles that contain the same concepts
August 8, 2017
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biblical allusions

biblical allusions

Your task is to a generate a topic and to produce an essay on the(first volume) of Shelley, Mary. Frankenstein. Norton Critical Edition, 2nd.Ed.Frankenstein:
((Explain the degree to which both Clerval and the Creature can be seen as doppelgängers for Victor, discussing such issues as relationship to Nature, relationship to Women, and view of Self in your discussion. Be sure to include quotes from Victor that describe his view of the similarities between himself and each of the other two figures)).
The essay must consist of textual analysis and should not merely be a summary of the plot. You must have a coherent thesis, topic sentences for each body paragraph, and a title. A focus on literary language, devices and details is part of the assignment. Your analysis must blend citations with interpretive descriptions.
Because the essay is an interpretation—and not a summary or “book report”—your thesis must make a particular point that a reader could potentially disagree with and for which you will use textual evidence as support. Your thesis should not be the statement of a fact, but an interpretive claim which is the job of the essay to support.
A sample thesis:”A reading of the biblical allusions Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein reveals a link between scientific ambition and radical moral transgression.

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