Role of interior designer using color to create healthy interior space

Your team is working on the opportunity assessment when you are notified there will be room on the agenda of the senior executive monthly meeting for you to present your results. ………
August 7, 2017
August 7, 2017
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Role of interior designer using color to create healthy interior space

Role of interior designer using color to create healthy interior space

Use the ROSTE structure for your plan, and justify and explain your modifications, deletions, and additions in each of the five areas (R, O, S, T, & E) with reference to resources about intercultural communication generally and international public relations specifically.
The case study is about Thailand and how they did the campaign to awareness Thais about depression. So you need to use the same campaign and apply it to Saudi Arabia culture by use the same idea they did use in Thailand. Some of the Tactics and Strategy will not work in Saudi Arabia explain why and what is best way could use to succeed in the awareness campaign of depression in Saudi Arabia.
When you write a sentence you need to support it by information, source and provide example.
Then, rewrite the plan given in your chosen case study into a new version which is culturally appropriate and which references every recommendation that you make in the new plan, whether for tactics, research, messages, etc., using cited sources from your readings or library research to explain and justify your choices and adaptations.
You are NOT to locate existing campaigns on the given issues in your chosen cultures and copy them (although such existing campaigns might provide excellent background research, which you can reference); you are to create a new campaign on one of the issues in your textbook cases. (If you plagiarise, Turnitin will locate any existing plans on the topic for comparison with your work.)

A possible template, with suggested content (must follow).

1. Introduction (a brief paragraph outlining the reason for the report, the client and product/idea/issue, the scope of your research — where you looked — and limitations — where you couldn’t look, main findings/recommendations/changes from the original summarised.

2. Body of the Report
2.1. Research
2.1.1. Current situation (statistics on status quo of issue in target culture)
2.1.2. Dimensions of culture individualism power distance masculinity uncertainty avoidance long term orientation (data for each of these PLUS how it applies to THIS case study situation – especially what impact does each of these factors have on messages and conduits for messages)
2.1.3. Social context: public attitudes towards the issue (use Factiva, media coverage, web searching to find out) Current and previous NGO efforts on this issue in this culture, public tolerance of activism, active groups lobbying on the issue? Corporate culture if relevant?
2.1.4. Political context: legislation on this issue, discrimination, environment, government initiatives to educate, power – who is allowed to communicate?
2.1.5. Economic context: what resources are available, what economic social issues apply to how communication can be achieved, e.g. poverty?
2.1.6. Public relations context – is it viewed as press agentry, what norms govern current typical practice, are there local agencies with whom you could work?
2.1.7. Case studies elsewhere (what have other cultures done about this issue that might be relevant or useful here, especially similar cultures, but not exclusively as other cultural case studies might also have innovations that are transferable – so find ideas elsewhere then decide if you can use them here or not)
2.1.8. Target publics (diversity subcultures? Demographic overview? Spokespeople whom they would find credible? Other organisations you could bring in to help you get your messages across? Reference groups of all kinds? Opinion leaders? Influential people within target publics?)
2.1.9. Media – ownership if relevant, outreach, most popular, local customs (look at Public Relations Review for articles on doing PR in this culture)
2.1.10. Ethical issues? (For example in Ebsco there is an article on ethics and PR in the Middle East – anything similar for your culture?)
2.2. Objectives
2.2.1. How are the existing objectives in the first case study relevant or not relevant to this culture given all of the above research? Why (CULTURAL REASONS) do you propose modifying or retaining each existing objective?
2.2.2. What new objectives do you propose and most importantly WHY? (Make sure that the new objectives are specific (a specific target public), measurable (include a number of some kind), achievable and realistic (not way different from other similar campaigns) and timed (have an end-date when you will check the measure). Also ensure that they are ethical for this culture.
2.3. Strategy
2.3.1. What from the existing strategy is useful or not useful in terms of how it applies to THIS culture?
2.3.2. What will you do? (One overarching statement that summarises the general idea behind your approach – given all the research above will you for example mainly use media or mainly use group relationships or mainly use face to face communication or what? And briefly, why?
2.4. Tactics
2.4.1. Which of the original tactics can be reused here and why?
2.4.2. Detailed list of HOW the strategy will be implemented. What media? What relationships? What groups? What collateral? Make sure that each tactic relates to an objective – no floating tactics that are creative but don’t relate to the overall aim of the campaign.
2.5. Evaluation
2.5.1. Which of the original evaluation methods can be reused here and why
2.5.2. Detailed list of how each tactic will be tested for success – how will you tell whether it reached target audience, did they understand it, did they act on it, did they consider it ethical?
2.5.3. Make sure that every objective has been measured

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