Choose one BRICS economy and one emerging economy (outside of the BRICS economies) and critically compare and contrast the development of trade in the two economies.

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Choose one BRICS economy and one emerging economy (outside of the BRICS economies) and critically compare and contrast the development of trade in the two economies.

Please choose ONE question from the following:
1. From 2008 onwards, how has the global economic crisis impacted on the EU economy and more specifically the UK? Critically analyse the implications for companies trying to expand into EU/UK markets.
2. Choose one BRICS economy and one emerging economy (outside of the BRICS economies) and critically compare and contrast the development of trade in the two economies. (In particular assess the role of bilateral or multilateral trade agreements for each of your chosen countries. Support your arguments with specific examples).
3. Critically assess the theories which are available for a company to evaluate the extent and potential impact of political risks to its business operations? (Apply your analysis to a specific company which is operating in at least two different countries).
4. To what extent can the cultural theories of Hofstede and Trompenaars be applied to provide an understanding of how to deal with potential cross cultural management issues? (When answering the questions please select a global company of your choice which is already involved in formal collaboration between operations based in an EU country and those based in a BRIC country and carry out a critical evaluation).

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