Choose 3 out of 4 question, 4 pages, double space. i prefer cited some sentences from my artice. Question #1: Monbiot (Guard Dogs of Perception) claims […]
Week 2 Discussion 1 The Size of Government One of the most contentious issues that divide conservatives and liberals is the size of government. Conservatives often […]
The cultural comparison paper compares three civilizations of the student’s choosing. This paper must be 600 – 1000 words in length. Students may use sources other […]
. List 2 correctional programs that either “do not work” or “make things worse”, in terms of offender recidivism. Why are these programs ineffective? 2. The […]
History 221 – African American History Before 1877 Assignment #1 Historical Topic Paper Writing assignment #1: Write a 3 page paper with a title page and […]