Paraphrase for my paper (845 words) and make it more than 845 words by analyzing and explaining without a quote from books or articles or use Internet.

How well did the author(s) relate their conclusions to educational practice or practical applications?
August 5, 2017
What the issue is, why the issue is important, how this issue relates to concepts/theories from class, how the issue affects employees, whether there are any new developments to this issue beyond what we’ve discussed in the course (i.e. new laws, new court cases, recent events), management implications for dealing with the issue, etc.
August 5, 2017
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Paraphrase for my paper (845 words) and make it more than 845 words by analyzing and explaining without a quote from books or articles or use Internet.

I need  a good writer to makes paraphrase for my paper (845 words) and make it more  than 845 words by analyzing and explaining without a quote from books or articles or use Internet.


Make my writing formally and academi.

Do not change or phrase all the words with quotation mark.

if I see any errors or something I don’t like it you should fix it.


do not aske me more than $18

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