Go to www.procon.org, select one (1) topic of your choice and read the Pro section and the Con section on the selected topic. What is the debate really about? What are the two sides of the debate?

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Go to www.procon.org, select one (1) topic of your choice and read the Pro section and the Con section on the selected topic. What is the debate really about? What are the two sides of the debate?

  •  Go to www.procon.org, select one (1) topic of your choice and read the Pro section and the Con section on the selected topic.
    • In your own words, summarize the topic: what is the debate really about? What are the two sides of the debate? (Be thorough in your explanations; imagine you are talking to a 10 year old – that’s how thorough and clear you need to be.)
    • State your position on the selected topic. Determine the biases you experienced as you examined the reasons for and against your position. (Explain the meaning of the term ‘bias’ as well.)
    • Describe your reaction to your experience of these biases.

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