Analyze the trends that you observed with each company. To what could you attribute the increases or decreases in each company’s trend(s)?

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Analyze the trends that you observed with each company. To what could you attribute the increases or decreases in each company’s trend(s)?

Please respond to the following:


Trending Now” Watch the video below and then respond to the questions that follow:[streamerType]=auto


Go to Google Trends at and search for one of your favorite brands as well as two or three of its competitors.

  • Analyze the trends that you observed with each company. To what could you attribute the increases or decreases in each company’s trend(s)?
  • What recommendations would you give to the brand managers of your favorite brand to increase the trend line for the future?




“Marketing Strategy”  Please respond to the following:

  • * From the scenario, suggest two (2) marketing strategy options that Golds Reling, Inc. could implement. Next, select the option that you believe will be most effective for the new product launch. Justify your response.
  • Imagine that you are about to launch a social networking site. Determine the target market to which your social media site will cater. Recommend a marketing strategy to entice your chosen target market to join your site. Determine the approach you will use to measure success. Provide a rationale for your response.



In these scenarios we will be helping a new intern at the electronics company Golds Reling, Inc. as she works with the marketing team to launch a new product.

The Scenario covers the following topics:

  • Creating Future Marketing Strategies and Plans for Sustainability of the New Product Launch

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