Discuss how evidence-based practice is applied in your practice setting and describe the desired patient outcome achieved through this approach.

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Discuss how evidence-based practice is applied in your practice setting and describe the desired patient outcome achieved through this approach.

Discuss how evidence-based practice is applied in your practice setting and describe the desired patient outcome achieved through this approach.


Very import for students:

Grading Rubric for this DQ

Discusses how evidence-based practice is applied in your practice setting 6 points

(This would include sharing the data/ EBP for example if you use EBP to prevent UTIs share a link to the evidence that shows the intervention you are using is based on evidence)

Describes/ states  the desired patient outcome achieved through this approach. 6 points

APA and writing.  Writing free off errors. One correctly formatted reference and correctly formatted in text citations  3 points

This does not need to be lengthy, simply share the EBP used in your work , Share EBP or research that proves the practice is EBP and discuss the expected outcome – remember to provide a citation or link that shows that the practice you describe really is EBP.

Places to look  for EBP include Cochrane Library, National Guideline Clearing House  and Joanne Briggs.


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