After reflecting on the ideas of individuation, separation, cutoffs, etc., please write a reaction about these processes in your own life. What is most difficult in considering these concepts (for you)?

Define what a theory is. Describe how you can know if a theory is valid. Offer one example of how a personal belief may differ from a theory.
August 4, 2017
Compare and contrast the effectiveness of classic models and recently evolved models such as Big Data and NoSQL.
August 4, 2017
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After reflecting on the ideas of individuation, separation, cutoffs, etc., please write a reaction about these processes in your own life. What is most difficult in considering these concepts (for you)?

Pulling Theory Together

Much of what you are reading this week will be used in your genogram project, so it will be important for you to digest these phrases and concepts as you read, applying them (at least mentally at this point) to your own life and family (your family of origin and your current family system).

As you will find, there is a great deal of rich information in this book. Please feel free to comment on that which strikes you as well as responding to the prescribed post below.

After reflecting on the ideas of individuation, separation, cutoffs, etc., please write a reaction about these processes in your own life. What is most difficult in considering these concepts (for you)? How have you gained insight into your own family relationships through these readings? How might this information serve you when considering others’ relational contexts?

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