Identify the contemporary management issue that you will be researching during this course. Prepare a one page summary about the identified issue.

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Identify the contemporary management issue that you will be researching during this course. Prepare a one page summary about the identified issue.

Part 1


Identify the contemporary management issue that you will be researching during this course. Prepare a one page summary about the identified issue.  Be sure to include how this issue can potentially either positively or negatively impact an organization’s culture.


Part 2

Provide the introductory and background on the issue noted in part one for the research project. Briefly note what (if any) are the ethical concerns associated with your management issue.  Your introduction and background should be at least 3 to five pages in length (not including the cover and reference pages).   Be sure to synthesize and integrate at least two scholarly references.  The paper should be in APA (6th ed.) format.


Compile a reference list of at least 10 to 12 scholarly references.  Be sure that the reference list is in APA (6thed.) format.  Submit reference list on a separate  page


Part 3

Now that you have developed the introduction and background, construct the problem statement for the contemporary management issue being researched

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