Now that you are familiar with what an instructional leader does in a variety of settings and activities, you are ready to propose a plan for yourself to continue to grow as an instructional leader.
Look at the setting you are in now, or one in which you hope to be in one day, and propose a plan for continued growth as an instructional leader.
Section I: Instructional Leadership Literature Review (Develop this this section from the Unit 5 Discussion)
In this section, critique 35 articles that define instructional leadership. Use this critique to demonstrate that you have an understanding of the different definitions of instructional leadership and how it exists in practice. Synthesize the different ideas to develop your own definition of instructional leadership.
Section II: Current Leadership Practices (Develop this section from the Discussions and your personal experiences as you now understand them as leadership activities.)
Throughout this course you have been asked to look at yourself as an instructional leader in your current practice. Describe some of the activities you are involved in now, how they demonstrate leadership, and how you might continue to grow and develop in these leadership roles.
If you are not in a classroom, describe activities that you could practice in the instructional position that you would like to teach in.
Section III: Future Setting of Instructional Leadership (Develop this from Instructional Leadership assignment and other resources in the course.)
Describe the future educational setting in which you plan to practice your instructional leadership. You may not be certain now, but consider the situation you would like to work in and be most effective in. Will it be in a K12 setting? Will it be in higher education? Will it be an administrative position? Will it be a state-level position? Will it be in a district office? Will you begin as an administrator and work your way up to other positions of leadership? Will you remain in the classroom? Discuss why you would like to have this position and how would you use it to promote teaching and learning in that setting. Refer back to your definition of educational leadership in Section I to support how this position fits that definition. Use the internet to search school sites and educational employment sites for locations where you would like to work and what you would like to do as a leader there.
Section IV: Leadership Training (Develop this from the Instructional Assessment assignment, the Instructional Leadership Interview, the Philosophy of Instructional Leadership, and other resources in the course.)
In order to achieve your goals as an instructional leader in a future setting, you will have to acquire the skills and requirements necessary for that position. What does your research into this position show as necessary requirements? What education would you need? What experience would you need? What skills must you develop? Which professional organizations should you join? What type of participation should you do in those organizations? What are some publishing opportunities locally, statewide, or nationally?
Provide as detailed a plan as possible for acquiring and developing these skills and experiences. Use the internet to search school sites and educational employment sites for locations where you would like to work and what you would like to do as a leader there, and what the requirements are to do that job. Provide an annotated timeline for where, when, and how you will achieve the most important skills trainings and traits.
Section V: Reflection
Throughout the course you have been asked to reflect on concepts of leadership in the Discussion Boards, Seminars and Major Assignments. In this section, provide a final reflection on your understanding of instructional leadership. Consider the barriers that may stand in your way, opportunities that may present themselves, and alternatives that you may pursue in your field of educational leadership. Finish with a personal statement of your leadership beliefs. Do not rely on resources; draw upon your personal reflection to show your passion regarding educational leadership.