Managing Groups and Teams: Coevolutionary gaming and group decision making Custom Essay

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Managing Groups and Teams: Coevolutionary gaming and group decision making Custom Essay

Coevolutionary gaming and group decision making Name Course Instructor Date Introduction The coevolutionary war game focuses on strategy formulation, competition and impact on the decision making process. In the war game Cares and Miskel (2007), point out that strategic planning and decision making should consider possible moves of competitors. In competitive complex environments, competitors often react to decisions of their rivals, and hence a better strategic planning process focuses on the actions and counter plans of those likely to be affected by decisions. In any case, making decisions based on available data could be counter productive, if competitors react to make such decisions untenable. The coevolutionary war game takes into account possible moves and counter plans of those affected by decisions, and how adversaries revisit their plans.

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