Discuss one to two of the potential solutions you read about this week. What are the strengths of this/these potential solution(s)?

Discuss what you believe is the appropriate response to these violations of conditions. Should Mr. McMahon be returned to court for a possible revocation of probation, or should sanctions be administered in-house? Why?
August 4, 2017
A Presumption of Reasonableness
August 4, 2017
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Discuss one to two of the potential solutions you read about this week. What are the strengths of this/these potential solution(s)?

1. Over the course of the semester we’ve identified and analyzed various stakeholder concerns. This week’s readings are intended to offer some potential solutions to many of the dilemmas we’ve encountered.  Discuss one to two of the potential solutions you read about this week.  What are the strengths of this/these potential solution(s)?  What are the weaknesses?  Do you have any additional ideas either related to the readings or perhaps entirely separate from those you read about?




May use: http://www.yesmagazine.org/issues/stand-up-to-corporate-power/who-will-rule



2. In the article The End of Globalization? it states that the World Trade Organization has shown data that the world is on track for a third year straight where global trade will be smaller than overall economic growth.  This opens up a lot of eyes of people who back globalization.  A big reason for this is other nations competing with the United States, although it is helped hundreds of millions of people who were once in extreme poverty levels in Asia, Africa, and Latin America.  A lot of Americans are torn with what to do with globalization because although there is a huge loss where it comes to the loss of jobs in our nation it is offset by lower consumer prices and the rise of more efficient new business.  A big question for politicians is what can be done to not only help our fellow Americans out when it comes to free trade  but also what can still help out the citizens of developing nations that are now receiving jobs.

The end of globalization? (2015, September 20). Retrieved July 18, 2016, from https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/the-end-of-globalization/2015/09/20/b48b9f60-5e2f-11e5-9757-e49273f05f65_story.html


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