Research question
You are required to research the followingtopicand writea response of approximately 800words.
The responseshouldbederived from the journalarticleindicated plusone (1)morescholarlyarticleand the current textbook (i.e.3in total). Remember thatyou mustchoose scholarlyarticles(otherwise called ‘peer-reviewed oracademic’). Include in-text and endtext referencingin APA6thedition style.
Discuss the application of William Edwards Deming’s1stprinciple of quality management (i.e. Create constancy of purpose toward improvement of product and service) through the use of a 21stCentury industry example.
(Studentsshouldrefer tothe followingjournal articleasbackgroundtodiscussthis topic and useatleast twoothersourcesasindicated above):
Brown,A.(2013).Quality:Wherehavewecomefromandwhatcan weexpect? TheTQMJournal,25(6), pp.585–596.
Current textbook: Samson, D. & Daft, R. (2015). Management (Fifth Asia Pacific Edition). South Melbourne: Cengage Learning Australia