Watch an hour of children’s television, preferably cartoons, and analyze the level of violence in the chosen children’s show.

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Watch an hour of children’s television, preferably cartoons, and analyze the level of violence in the chosen children’s show.


The National Television Violence Study found that in 1996-1997, 61% of television programs contained violence, and, of those selected, 75% showed no remorse, criticism of, or penalty for the violence. Forty percent of violent acts were committed by attractive characters.

For this assignment, you need to watch an hour of children’s television, preferably cartoons, and analyze the level of violence in the chosen children’s show.

  • Rate the aggressive acts using the following scale:
    • Mild: Verbal aggression with no physical contact
    • Medium: Physical contact with no blood, such as pushing, shoving, and hitting
    • Extreme: Use of force to cause bodily injury, such as guns, knives, and other weapons, where blood is produced
  • Determine if any of the following occurs after the violent acts:
    • remorse for the violence
    • criticism of the violence
    • any consequences of the violence
  • Analyze how the chosen show might influence the growing child, based on your readings. What messages is this show giving to the child?

Council on Communications and Media. (2009). Media violence. Pediatrics, 124(5), 1495-1503. Retrieved from

Make sure for this assignment that you view a program that is specifically intended for children.  You can find cartoons on television on Saturday mornings or on a website by searching for children’s cartoon programs.  Please identify in your posting the program that you viewed.

It is noteworthy to read what the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry has posted about the impact of media violence:

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