Design a PowerPoint presentation demonstrating five different technology resources that can be used to enhance science and math instruction.

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Design a PowerPoint presentation demonstrating five different technology resources that can be used to enhance science and math instruction.

EED 364  Due Date: Mar 11, 2017Science Lesson

Observe a science lesson being taught in the classroom. Write a 250-500 word reflection based on your observation that addresses the following questions.

  1. Did the science teacher integrate other content areas into the science lesson, such as reading, writing, math, and technology?
  2. Did the teacher incorporate technology into the lesson?
  3. What supplies/handouts, if any, did the teacher use?
  4. Were science standards used?
  5. What types of assessments were used by the teacher?
  6. Was differentiated instruction evident?
  7. Was this lesson successful? If so, what made it successful?
  8. Would you try this approach in the future once you are in the classroom or in control of the lesson creation? Why or why not?
  9. How would you make this lesson more successful/engaging?


Prepare this assignment according to the APA


EED 364 Due Date: Mar 11, 2017


Design a PowerPoint presentation demonstrating five different technology resources that can be used to enhance science and math instruction.  These could be apps, computer programs, videos, websites, etc.

In a 10-15 slide PowerPoint presentation, include the following:

  1. A detailed description of each technology and how it works
  2. An explanation of how technology components align to standards.
  3. Completed Technology Presentation form for each technology

Please follow the following rubric

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