Works cited page and two peer reviews
December 6, 2020
MN605 W9-Professional Advocacy through Association Membership
December 6, 2020
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Additional analysis: 50 points total
    Create graphs of the following performance metrics over the 2 year (8 quarter) period (20pt):
o    Risk weighted assets
o    Basel Tier I Ratio and Basel Tier 1 + 2 Ratio
o    Non-performing loans and defaulted loans (%)
o    T+1 GAP and GAP Ratios
o    ROA, ROE, and NIM
    Provide a brief discussion of the trends in each of these charts. How did each metric contribute to the overall performance of your bank? (1 paragraph or less per bullet point) (10pt)
    Summarize your total bank performance over the full 8 quarters. If you were to do this simulation again, what changes would you make? What lessons have you learned? (20pt)

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