How does marketing intelligence (knowledge of your customers wants and needs) help drive marketing strategy

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How does marketing intelligence (knowledge of your customers wants and needs) help drive marketing strategy


Marketing Management, Ch. 1: Defining Marketing for the New Realities

Read pages 5-19 and 30-33 of Marketing Management.

Consider the following as you read:

  • Understand disintermediation (the delivery of products and services by intervening in the traditional flow of good). How have Google and Amazon disrupted not only bricks and mortar marketplace but internet marketing?



Marketing Management, Ch. 2: Developing Marketing Strategies and Plans

Consider the following as you read:

  • How does marketing intelligence (knowledge of your customers wants and needs) help drive marketing strategy



Marketing Management, Ch. 3: Collecting Information and Forecasting Demand

Read pages 70-85, 92, and 95 of Marketing Management.

Consider the following as you read:

  • What has Wal-Mart done well (and differently) than other companies like Target, K-Mart, Sears?



Challenges and Opportunities Discussion

Marketing management

How is marketing management both an art and a science? What marketing challenges and opportunities do businesses face today?


Market Research Discussion

Research: Quantitative vs Qualitative

Many market researchers have their favorite research approaches or techniques, although different researchers often have different preferences. Some researchers maintain that the only way to really learn about consumers or brands is through in-depth, qualitative research. Others contend that the only legitimate and defensible form of marketing research uses quantitative measures.


Take a position: The best marketing research is quantitative in nature versus The best marketing research is qualitative in nature


Create or Satisfy Needs Discussion

Marketing shapes or reflects needs

Marketing has often been defined in terms of satisfying customers’ needs and wants. Critics, however, maintain that marketing goes beyond that and creates needs and wants that did not exist before. They feel marketers encourage consumers to spend more money than they should on goods and services they do not really need.


Take a position: Marketing shapes consumer needs and wants versus Marketing merely reflects the needs and wants of consumers.


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